Financial calculators can be incredibly helpful when planning for your future. We have compiled many of the tools available to you for financial planning in both personal life and business, so you can easily crunch the numbers and make better financial decisions. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference, and for even more financial assistance, be sure to contact an accountant or business consultant at Simply Counted in Holland, Michigan today!

Tax estimators and calculators for individuals and businesses, including deductions, FSA, and self-employment.

Determine the best way to maximize your or your child’s college savings plan with this college saving calculator.

Make the most of your budget with mortgage refinance and reduction calculators, points evaluators, and more.

Business planning calculators and analysis including commercial loans, profit margins, and business valuation.

Create your retirement plan, estimate social security benefits, calculate Roth IRA earnings, and more.

Find out how much you can afford to pay for a car, whether you should lease or buy, and more with auto loan calculators.

Improve your personal finance with a home budget analyzer, debt consolidation calculator, and more.

Learn your potential state tax liability and begin your estate tax planning to preserve wealth for future generations.

Learn how big of a loan you can afford, how much you can safely pay on a loan each month, and use a loan comparison calculator.
Was last modified 4 November 2022 by