Angelina Jongkind

angelina jongkind, staff accountant at simply counted business services

As a daughter and granddaughter of entrepreneurs, I fell in love with small business operations at a very young age.  I was the official bean counter of my grandpa’s fur shop by age 7.  I’m always especially grateful to him for encouraging my curiosity in all things. 

 My first degree is an Associates of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from Grand Rapids Community College, which I completed in 2006.  I was blessed to have a part-time job as a gallery manager and office administrator; while being able to stay at home with my young children and help my partner and a few friends grow their businesses.  

I returned to school for my Bachelor’s in Accounting in 2015.  I’m still picking away at it.  I’m a hands-on learner, so I feel that I’m most likely getting more experience with Simply Counted than I would in a classroom setting.  I get to fill in and support the team where needed, and really appreciate the teaching aspect that I get to incorporate into my days. I also have the role of Tax Preparer for our sister company, Simply Tax. 

I have two boys that are growing up way too quickly.  As of 2021 one is a freshman in college and the other is in middle school.  They are both wildly intelligent and wonderful musicians.  I couldn’t be prouder of the men they are becoming.  

In my free time, I enjoy beach visits, camping, various types of music presentations, and dabbling in crafts.  A friendly, yet competitive, round of board games is always interesting to me.  And there is nothing better than a good long book!

Was last modified 28 October 2021 by Top Of The List